All posts by Kevin I. Slaughter

Sex and Sex Worship (Phallic Worship)

(scan by Rev. Byrd | Cited Edition)

Subtitle: a scientific treatise on sex, its nature and function, and its influence on art, science, architecture, and religion–with special reference to sex worship and symbolism
Author: O. A. (Otto Augusts) Wall

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Untrodden Fields of Anthropology

(scan by Rev. Byrd | cited edition)

Subtitle: Based on the Diaries of His Thirty Years’ Practice as a French Government Army-Surgeon and Physician in ASIA – OCEANIA – AMERICA – AFRICA recording his experiences, experiments and discoveries in the Sex Relations and the Racial Practices of the Arts of Love in the Sex Life of the Strange Peoples of Four Continents
Author: X, Dr. Jacobus

Continue reading Untrodden Fields of Anthropology

I’ve been wanting to initiate this project for a while….

For those who don’t know, the bibliography to “The Compleat Witch” is a treasure trove of weird and wonderful books drastically ranging in subject matter.
The blog title is the literal subject matter.
Every few days, as I have the time, I’ll post a blog on one of the books listed in the bibliography, starting in reverse order. Over time I’ll add to the pages already published and eventually this will serve as a weird completest database of the ideas that serves as inspiration for LaVey’s magnum opus.

There’s a facebook page, if you’re inclined to follow there.

You can add comments that pertain to each book – editions, corrections, enjoyable quotes, etc. If you have a good photograph/scan of one of the books, link to an image or e-mail it to me.
Where available, I will also link to Google Books and Project Geutenberg editions where they exist and other sources for finding editions second hand.