Sociology And Everyday Life

(scan by Rev. Byrd | Cited Edition)

Edited By: Marcello Truzzi

Edition Cited in The Compleat Witch
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
City: Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Year: 1968
additional information
Pages: 371
Binding: Paperback
Size: 6 x 8.75″
Back Cover Copy
From MAD magazine to the Beatles, from flying saucers to nudist camps, this stimulating collection of sociological essays presents student-oriented topics that are sure to spark lively discussion and heated debate.
By stressing the mundane at one extreme and the “hip” at the other, the editor presents basic theory and the techniques of research in the most palatable manner.  Buy providing the student with an enjoyable first introduction to sociology, it is hoped that he will easily learn the more technical and formal techniques and abstract analysis needed for general sociological research and theory formulation.
  • articles from accepted sociological journals that are a good representation of work in the field
  • six previously unpublished papers plus many others not readily available
  • methodogically diversified approaches to topics treated 
Table of Contents
Introduction, 1

PART I Sociology and Everyday Life

1 Life as Theater: Some Notes on the Dramaturgic Approach to Social Reality, 7
Sheldon L. Messinger with Harold Sampson and Robert D. Towne

PART II  Social Differentiation

2  Symbols of Class Status, 21
Erving Goffman

3  Speech and Social Status in America, 32
Dean S. Ellis

4  The Secret Ranking, 42
Hans L. Zetterberg

PART III  Everyday Interactions

5  Toward a Sociology of Telephones and Telephoners, 59
Donald W. Ball

6  The Implications of Tipping in America, 75
Leo P. Crespi

7  Adult Talk about Newspaper Comics, 87
Leo Bogart

8  Coolness in Everyday Life, 92
Stanford M. Lyman and Marvin B. Scott

9  The Social Significance of Card Playing as a Leisure Time Activity,  101
Irving Crespi

PART IV  Occupations

10  The Life Cycle of the Social Role of Housewife, 111
Helena Znaniecki Lopata

11  The Executioner: His Role and Status in Scandinavian Society, 125
Finn Hornum

12  Trust and the Cab Driver,  138
James M. Henslin

PART V  Youth

13  Beatlemania: The Adulation and Exuberance of Some Adolescents, 161
A. J. W. Taylor

14  Teen-agers, Satire, and Mad, 170
Charles Winick

15  Draftee Behavior in the Cold War Army, 186
Eugene S. Uyeki

PART VI  Minority Groups

16  Lilliputians in Gulliver’s Land: The Social Role of the Dwarf, 197
Marcello Truzzi

17  Sexual Modesty, Social Meanings, and the Nudist Camp, 212
Martin S. Weinberg

PART VII  Religion

18  The Flying Saucerians: An Open Door Cult, 223
H. Taylor Buckner

19  Magic, Sorcery, and Football Among Urban Zulu: A Case of Reinterpretation Under Acculturation, 231
N. A. Scotch

20  What Kind of People Does a Religious Cult Attract?, 235
William R. Catton, Jr.

21  What is the Meaning of Santa Claus?, 242
Warren O. Hagstrom

PART VIII  Deviance and Crime

22  Apprenticeships and Prostitution, 257
James H. Bryan

23  From Mafia to Cosa Nostra, 269
Robert T. Anderson

24  Rape and Social Structure, 279
Kaare Svalastoga

PART IX  Social Change

25  The Sociology of the Bicycle, 293
Sidney H. Aronson

26  Of Time and the City and the “One Year Guarantee”: The Relations Between Watch Owners and Repairers, 303

27  The Decline of the American Circus: The Shrinkage of an Institution, 314
Marcello Truzzi

PART X  Terminating Processes

28  Sleep: A Sociological Interpretation, 325
Vilhelm Aubert and Harrison White

29  Death and Social Structure, 346
Robert Blauner

Appendix: A Selective Bibliography for the Interested Student, 369

Online Resources
Project Gutenberg
Wikipedia (book or author)
(arranged by year)

(scan by Rev. Byrd | Cited Edition)

Title: (if different)
Subtitle: (if different)
Year: 1968
Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Inc.; Englewood Cliffs, NJ
Binding: Paperback
6 x 8.75″
Cover Price:
Notes: (revised, foreword by, afterword by, etc.)
Additional Photos/Images
Misc. Quotes
“The social institution of the American Circus, despite its great interest for students of Americana, has somehow been neglected by sociologists.  This is the case despite its many unique variable characteristics which one would have thought might prove especially attractive, if only to the early Park and Burgess Chicago School which took special interest in the deviant subculture.  As though within the subculture have long recognized, the true nature of this organizational structure has been heavily obscured by hosts of romanticized fictions and histories, especially by those circus fans who have sought to perpetuate knowledge of it.”  (Marcello Truzzi)

“The executioner’s occupational role must have brought a certain amount of power with it.  Fear was always connected with his position.  He was the enforcer of the law and had monopoly on the exceutions within his territory, a monopoly which was carefully guarded.  The superstition which surrounded his person, more-over, also earned him some respect.  But as long as the executioner was an integral part of the community, his power was limited.  His power was at its height during the time of the German dynasties.  These executioners spoke a foreign language, wore a fancy uniform, were wealthy and appointed by the king.  They only appeared before the population in the most frightening manner and kept their distance from the lay-people in the community.”  (Finn Hornum)

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